Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hoo Baby!

Today is the day after surgery. I meant to start a blog before, but I never got to it. My mom said that people would be interested in it, and I guess she may be right.

But I guess I should start out with the beginning of my knee problems. On May 17th, 2008 Carrollton was hosting the Cavalier Round Robin for Varsity Softball. We had two games that day, at 10 AM and 2 PM. For the 10 o' clock game I started off the game as pitcher, and was throwing my usual. It was a close game, and the 6th inning when our team was up to bat I got a hit and beat out the throw to first. I stole second on a pass ball, and took third when my teammate got another hit. I like to think I'm an aggressive runner, and I'll steal when given the slightest chance. I tend to be quick, which helps out. So there was another pass ball, where the pitcher threw the ball where the catcher couldn't get to it right away. I took the chance to score another run, and the run did score. But when I slid into home plate, my foot got caught. The right batters box was really dug out, and the plate had a little lip in it. It didn't help that I slid a little too late, either.

So I kinda sat there on home plate in shock, because I knew I hurt my right knee. I was rather upset, because I hate getting hurt. After the coaches settled me down and carried me into the dugout, I got some ice. I couldn't put any pressure on it, so my mom ran home to get me crutches. I just kept it iced and elevated all day, in hopes that it would get better. Buuuuut it didn't, so my parents took me into the emergency room Sunday after church. The took some X-Rays, and said it was just a sprain and I could go back to playing in a week. They told me I should stay on crutches as I feel, so I kept them the rest of Sunday and Monday for school.

So, of course I tried to go back to play on Tuesday. It didn't hurt too bad, and I could run fine. But our trainer wouldn't let me play because I couldn't bend my leg all the way. I was disappointed, because I knew I could play through the pain. So I sat the bench those two games that day, limited to warming up our left-fielder and doing the book. That night and all the next day I was constantly straigtening and bending my leg to make sure it would bend all the way for our last conference game on Thursday.

Turns out, I did a pretty good job because there was no pain and I could bend it all the way on Thursday, so the trainer gave me the go-ahead to play. She gave me a warning though, to be very careful. I started in left field, just in case I couldn't handle all the knee-bending at second base or the stress put on my push-off leg while pitching. I was doing very well, made two good catches (which my mother still owes me two tropical smoothies for!!) and went 2-0 for batting, with a walk. My third at bat I layed a bunt down and beat out the throw to first. As i started to slow down after I touched the bag, I pivoted on my right leg to turn around. It gave out on me, and I heard/felt a little grindage going on. I fell to the ground, and I was heated. Our first base coach helped me up, and I went into the dugout for some ice. The trainer came in, and just gave me that "I told you so" look. It was horrible, I knew then that something was kind of seriously wrong with my knee. We decided to go to my regular doctor to get it checked out, and she just sent us to a knee doctor.

But more on this later, because my mom says it's too late to be on the computer.

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