Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Feelin' Better!

Today is the 5th day since surgery, and I feel the best yet. Yesterday hurt more than before, and I have no idea why. But today I got up the strength to take a shower by myself, just sitting on the bath tub floor. Here's some pics:

Before: I took this right before leaving for the hospital. But my right knee (the one on your left) is slightly larger, and that quad muscle is a little bit smaller. Its hard to tell from this picture though.

After: As you can see, it's verrrrrrry swollen. This was taken Sunday, when I was allowed to take the bandages off. We were surprised to see no stitches or staples, the cuts just held together with tape. It is numb around the cut, but it hurts everywhere else.

My right ankle is also very swollen, I was sad to see I have a cankle. I actually slept in today, which was a change from any other day. I've been wakin gup around 7:30 AM or so since Friday, and today I slept until 10:30!! I could hardly tell that my leg was operated on this morning, there wasn't any pain or anything until I got up from my bed.

Tomorrow I have to wake up early though, because I start physical therapy at 8 in the morning at St. Mary's Spine Center. It's a lot closer than the doctors office, which is way on the other side of Saginaw.

Sitting on the couch gets very boring. Luckily, I have had many visitors since Friday, frequently bringing me Slurpee's or Jolly Ranchers, which are my favorite. Saturday night my parents moved our desktop computer to the couch so I could have access to it, which I am glad for. We had a laptop, but my mom couldn't figure out why the internet wasn't working. So they just drug over the computer to me.

There's not a lot to blog about when you sit on the couch all day, but I'll have something to talk about tomorrow after physical training!!!